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Simple Lighting Solutions Proven to Protect Pedestrians at Night

Empty crosswalk at night illuminated by a streetlight, with shrubs and a sidewalk in the background.

In ongoing efforts to protect pedestrians, a new study reveals that sometimes the brightest ideas are also the simplest. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has found that lighting solutions and well-lit crosswalks can increase driver yielding and potentially prevent pedestrian accidents.

With 7,522 pedestrian fatalities in 2022 and a staggering 75% of those deaths occurring after dark, it's clear that nighttime presents a danger for those on foot. But could the solution be as straightforward as flipping a switch?

How effective are lighting solutions on crosswalks?

Researchers from IIHS and Western Michigan University put this question to the test in Kalamazoo, Michigan. They compared various lighting systems at four locations, including T intersections, a four-way intersection, and a midblock crossing.

The results were eye-opening. When crosswalk lighting was added at dimly lit intersections, drivers were more than three times more likely to yield to pedestrians. This simple change also tripled the chances of drivers slowing down by more than 10 mph as they approached the crosswalk.

But the real game-changer came when researchers combined lighting with flashing beacons. At one intersection, this dynamic duo made drivers a whopping 13 times more likely to yield compared to dark conditions. Additionally, extra crosswalk lighting didn't significantly change driver behavior at a brightly lit midblock location. This suggests that existing adequate lighting can be sufficient in some cases.

How can we use this information to protect pedestrians?

IIHS President David Harkey puts it plainly: "When drivers are yielding, pedestrians aren't dying." The study's findings offer a clear roadmap for city planners and road designers looking to boost pedestrian safety.

By implementing targeted lighting solutions, communities can dramatically reduce the risks pedestrians face after dark. The combination of crosswalk illuminators and flashing beacons seems particularly promising, as they address both driver attention and visibility issues. While urban planning often involves complex decisions, sometimes the most effective solutions are right in front of us—or rather, right above our crosswalks. Visibility saves lives.

As Harkey notes, "We can stop pedestrians from being killed if we make sure drivers see them." It's a straightforward concept that could have far-reaching implications for road safety across the country.

Hurt in a pedestrian accident? Let us fight for the compensation you deserve.

Injured in a pedestrian accident in Lexington, South Carolina? You need a legal team that knows how to fight for you. At Johnson + Johnson Attorneys at Law, we get it—being hit by a distracted driver or caught in a hit-and-run can turn your world upside down. That's where we step in. We'll dig deep into the details, gather the evidence, and fight for the compensation you deserve.

With years of experience handling pedestrian accident cases, we know exactly what it takes to win, and our case results prove it. We've recovered millions of dollars in damages for our clients, including:

  • $400,000 for a premises liability client
  • $305,000 for a dog bite
  • $200,000 for a car accident that exceeded uninsured motorist coverage policy limits

We're not just your legal advocates—we're your champions. From tough negotiations with insurance companies to taking your case to court, we handle it all. And here's the best part: we work on a contingency fee basis, so you don't pay a dime unless we win. That means you can focus on getting better while we handle the rest. Ready to take action? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We'll listen, advise, and guide you through every step.

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